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And is the BEST movement you can do for your joints, brain, and heart according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Medical Science (2)...

So if you want to work your muscles to the max in just 15 seconds ... without going to the gym or running on the treadmill... then lean in and read every word.

Because this forgotten technique ...

Secretly used by Shaolin Monks and legendary martial artists...

Even performed in ancient meditation practices like Yoga and Tai Chi... is the key to unlocking new strength and endurance for years to come.

Plus proven to work for men and women of all ages regardless of your current shape… in fact, this method is so powerful it’s been used to restore broken bones and soothe joint pain like some magical Indian healing trick you only see in the movies...

So if you wake up with aches and pains now, I promise, you’ll feel much better after trying this lost exercise…

And before I share this method, you may be wondering who I am and why you should care...
Hi I’m Alby Gonzalez . And I’ve used this hidden movement to build muscle and get stronger in my mid 30s FASTER than I had in my twenties… despite being a busy father of five and working a full time job.

This way of training has become my saving grace…

And helped me get fit and strong while having no free time.

… and I know it can do the same for you. Which is why I’ve made it my mission to share this lost technique with the world
Because I know what it feels like to want to get in shape with priorities stacked against you...

To this day I remember the sinking feeling I’d get in the pit of my stomach every time I looked in the mirror... with visible pockets of fat under my chest and ugly belly pudge...

I not only looked soft and squishy... but felt the weakest I’d ever been . Not to mention I’d get flare-ups in my elbows and knees that would crack and hurt when I’d workout…

It’s like my body was slowing down after turning 30…

And the responsibilities of life were making my goals of being fit nothing but a pipe dream...

Now it wasn’t always like this for me. I was an active guy growing up. I played sports, lifted weights. And was in decent shape in my early 20s. Yet after my twin boys were born my priorities shifted from “ me focused ” to “ we focused ”...

Like most people, that’s when my body fell apart. To the point I hardly recognized myself in the mirror. Maybe you’ve been there?

Or maybe you just don’t have time to spend hours working out and feel unhappy with the body you have.

That’s where this 15-second lost exercise fits in. See...

I used to think the answer was to “ exercise harder …” or “ move more ”...

However neither will help you build the lean and strong body you deserve. And if this is new information to you, please know it’s not your fault...

If I had a dime for every naive personal trainer who said you have to workout more to see better results... I’d be rich. However the truth is...
Which I know sounds crazy…

After all, this goes against everything you’ve likely heard before. Yet hear me out. I’d hate for you to be one of the millions of people who are doing too much to get in shape … which is costing you the body of your dreams.

Plus, in a second I’ll show you the little-known “swept under the rug” routine most fitness magazines know nothing about…

An ancient Martial Arts movement locked away in Chinese Monasteries that gives you superhuman strength and energy ...

And will slice your workout time in half…
While giving you rock-hard muscles you thought were only possible from lifting dangerously heavy weights…

And according to a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Research you can trade any 30-minutes of exercise you’re doing right now… for just 6-minutes of this one powerful technique and still get the same results or better . (3)

Which is why I want you to read every word on this page…

Because you’ll see just how easy it is to transform your body from the inside out, strengthen your muscles, and sharpen your core from your very own living room without beating up your joints or performing long exhaustive exercise. Now…

Mistake 1 - Too Much Running

Did you know that running puts 3X the force of your body weight on your knees and ankles? Meaning…

If you weigh 150 lbs… you’re crushing your lower joints, and the cartilage that holds it together, with 450 lbs or force every single stride...

…the average person makes 2,241 strides per mile. So that’s like hitting your knees and ankles with over 500 tons of pressure every mile you run !

Do you really expect your body to last from that kind of damage?

Think of your joints like the tires of a car…
One car is cruising down a smooth and freshly paved road... the other, down a street with big potholes, cracks, and bumps…

Which of the car’s tires will last longer? The one headed down the smooth road, of course.

...and that’s what this Lost Exercise will do for you.

Give you a great cardiovascular workout and boost your fitness without pounding the pulp out of your joints.

Yet that’s not the only reason running is bad for your health...

Studies show too much endurance exercise raises free radical production and total body inflammation levels...

TIME magazine even wrote an article on the topic, calling inflammation the silent killer because of its damaging effects on your heart…

And researchers from the Mayo Clinic warned marathon runners and long distance cyclists are at greater risk for artery blockages, heart scarring , and even heart attacks! (4)

If more aerobic exercise was so healthy for you, why is this happening?

Instead, there’s a better way...

The Lost Solution…

This little known exercise technique is said to be “more effective than cardio”...

And will improve your cardiovascular system and boost endurance without having to move a muscle (5)... plus, you’ll shave off years of knee pain that 14.6 million men and women in the United States alone suffer from every year (6)...

… while strengthening your body and joints instead of wearing them down from running or other forms of cardio.

And in a minute I’ll show you how this simple secret...

That when combined with a few gentle movements will increase your stamina and help you sculpt a hard and strong body at lightning speed...

Mistake 2 - Too Many Reps

Similar to how running can damage your knees and ankles over time… so can performing lots of reps lifting weights, or even doing the wrong kind of bodyweight exercises...

Popular movements like the bench press, squat, lunges, and pulldowns can have crushing effects on your joints over time…

The more reps you perform… the more ‘ wear and tear ’ on your joints. It’s that simple…

So it’s no wonder 67% of people will experience shoulder pain in their lifetime (7)...
And 350 million people worldwide have arthritis … which can occur from inflammation in your elbows, wrists, and shoulders (8). You see...

Everyday activities like moving boxes overhead or carrying groceries, wear down your joints… and poor exercise form , needless sets and reps, and lifting heavy weights will only speed up the process...

The Lost Solution…

Now I’m not saying all exercise is bad for your joints…

However it requires the right kind of movements proven to get you lean and ripped... while strengthening your bones so you can live pain free for decades to come… and claim a body you can be proud of .

Yet you’ll never reach your dream body with constant aches and pains. Because the truth is…

Injuries are an instant results killer .

And can erase any progress you make. After all… you can’t work out when you’re hurt, right?

And if you do, it only leads to more pain and frustration… maybe even a costly doctor bill.

In fact, according to last year’s National Injury Surveillance Database, nearly 300,000 people in the U.S. were rushed to an emergency room from a weight-lifting related incident (9)...

These stats don’t include the “small” injuries that get bigger over time... like a torn rotator cuff or tendonitis that eventually leads to invasive surgeries and long recovery…

And if you don’t get it fixed… you’ll suffer a lifelong sentence of painful arthritis that make your workouts uncomfortable and little everyday tasks like playing catch with your kids… or messing around in the bedroom with your partner, unpleasant…

Let’s face it… these injuries always seem to stand in the way…

It’s like pushing a heavy rock up “dream body” mountain

Yet with every pinch, pull, crack or tear, the rock slips from your grasp and rolls back downhill. Forcing you to start over again and again until your will is broken and you throw in the towel for good...

However, this lost technique is the safest form of exercise you can do for your body and joints...

Giving you the freedom to make progress day after day … injury free… until you reach the physique you crave.

Mistake 3 - Heavy Weight Lifting

A recent study published in the scientific journal, Cardiology, found heavy weight lifting may kill you . (10)

This confirmed by a renegade Yale Hospital surgeon who reported lifting heavy weights can cause tears in your heart’s main artery … which can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, even sudden death…

This is a critical warning... especially if you’re a man or woman over 40.
Because your “ticker” isn’t young anymore… and has had decades of work and stress. So it’s crucial you protect it… especially as you age.

And lifting heavy weight is doing more damage than good… and can set off your heart’s biological alarm system at any moment. Sending pain radiating down your left arm and chest as a warning for immediate help…

And maybe even walk you to an early grave .

I wish I was lying… but it’s true.

So why risk your life… a few small injuries… or a lifetime of joint pain if you don’t have to?

The Lost Solution…

According to the Journal of the American Heart Association this lost exercise is an effective solution for improving your heart (cite)...

In fact, one study suggests, “this form of training has the potential for the largest reductions in Systolic Blood Pressure.” (cite). Meaning your heart won’t have to work as hard throughout the day… possibly adding years to your life . And a whole lot more...

Because this little-known movement has also been recorded in countless medical studies to...
  • Lower active and resting heart rate
  • Strengthen your spine and posture
  • Reduce pain (even if you’ve dealt with it for years)
  • “Enhance vitality”
  • Boosting endurance
  • Reducing body fat
  • Better athletic performance
  • Large increases of strength
  • Increased muscle size
  • Raised metabolism
..and so much more.

Improving the quality of your life in more ways than one…

While getting you the lean, strong, and admired body you can be proud of. And it works FAST . In fact
Yet I can’t take all the credit for this method…

Remember the Shaolin Monks I mentioned at the beginning of this letter?

Well, it’s their strength secret… one they’ve practiced for centuries secluded behind the walls of their ancient temple... that changed my life

These Shaolin Monks have been called some of the fittest men on the planet… with the kind of shock and awe flexibility and strength that turns heads.

Yet you won’t find them in a gym, jogging around the block, or anything like that. Instead...

These silent warriors practice a very specific form of exercise called super-isometrics that invigorates your body from the inside, out… boosting your metabolism, hardening your core, and relieving pain from head to toe. I then found...
  • Bruce Lee - Legendary martial artist turned Hollywood actor used these same technique to get lean and ripped ... to this day he has one of the most infamous set of abs worn by an action movie star...
  • Alexander Zass - an old time strongman who used this single bodyweight technique to explode his strength gains to eventually become Russia’s first weight lifting champion…
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger - famous bodybuilder and Hollywood actor used this same super isometrics technique to make his weakest body parts more dense, hard , and eye-popping . And was his secret weapon for building bigger biceps and stronger calves to win 7 Mr. Olympia titles...
  • Angelina Jolie - an award winning A-list actor married to Brad Pitt who maintains her year-round slender figure and toned abs using this single technique.
  • Uma Thurman - to get her functionally fit and athletic body for movies like Kill Bill… or the lean and sexy look for her role as “Mia” in Pulp Fiction.
  • Conor McGregor - and other UFC cage fighters like Georges St. Pierre, Anderson Silva, and Chuck Liddell. Guys who are considered “ walking lethal weapons with ripped 6-packs .
So you could say I was shocked this one movement wasn’t the “ talk of the town ” for everyday people like you and I…

Maybe it was reserved for the secret society of celebrities

Regardless, after learning about the hidden powers of super isometrics and how the world’s most fit and admired men and women on the planet were secretly using them as “an edge” to get a lean and muscular body, I had to give it a try...

To be honest, I was a bit nervous at first. I mean…

I felt “ washed up ” and “ too far gone ”. Plus I hardly had any time to exercise. Maybe you’ve felt that way before?

However, I was too desperate not to try it. You see…
To the point I started blaming my wife and kids for my growing pot-belly, flabby love-handles, and weak looking body…

Of course, I never told them that. Instead...

I held the frustration in like a shaken can of cola ready to explode any minute.  Which is the last thing I wanted. And to be honest, I couldn’t fault them...

It’s those darn fitness magazines and ‘experts’ that lied to me and told me one-hour workouts, most days of the week is what it takes to be fit and healthy.

Yet this new routine went against all of that personal trainer mumbo-jumbo...

And was quite possibly my golden ticket to building the strong and powerful body I craved most...

So the next day I woke up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm clock to get a quick workout in the living room…

And the experience from these Super Isometrics were mind-blowing ...
At first I figured I was just out of shape…

After all, I hadn’t exercised in a long time and was holding a lot more fat than muscle. Yet as the days went on I started to become a believer...

Because with every workout I still felt the same muscle exhaustion that I had on day one. Like I had worked out for an hour… yet I was finished in minutes!

And I did it all from a tiny space in my living room.

Heck, these workouts were so convenient I’d sometimes finish them during boring nightly news segments or a rerun of my favorite T.V. show…
In just days I noticed my muscles becoming harder and “popping out” more in my work clothes. I’d even lost an inch around my waist after the first seven days...

Weeks later, my entire body was more muscular … and I felt stronger than I had in years. Plus got my teenage energy and drive back...

Using this one method helped me get in shape faster and easier than I imagined possible... since then I’ve made it my mission to share this powerful technique with other men and women who’ve felt stuck in the same trap I did so you can enjoy a rock-hard and strong body every day of the week...

Which is why I’m excited to introduce…
With Isometrics Fit You’ll Build Superhuman Strength While Getting Lean And Ripped From Your Very Own Living Room...

And It Won’t Matter Your Age Or Current Physical Shape. Isometrics Fit Will Get You A Head Turning Body FASTER Than You Ever Thought Possible.
Inside Isometrics Fit You’ll Discover...
  • Why gut wrenching P90X-like workouts are the WORST for getting in shape and building lean, toned muscle (especially if you’re over 30) I’ll explain why on page 14…
  • 7 deadly workout mistakes that make you less fit ... while banging-up your joints to the point of no return... pages 21-24
  • How to use “power breathing” during your super isometrics training to force oxygen into your muscles for accelerated results. HINT: Famous Martial Artist, Bruce Lee used these same breathing techniques to prepare his body for the Hollywood big screen … found on pages 33-35
  • The single most powerful isometrics training technique… also known as The “ Lost Exercise ”... you can use anytime with ZERO equipment for instant body sculpting results … This same secret has been used by A-list actors like Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman, and Penelope Cruz… and badasses like Conor McGregor and Georges St. Pierre. pages 11-12
  • How a simple 25-second isometric technique, when added to the middle of your workouts can jolt your metabolism and trim inches of fat off your belly, love handles, legs, and arms … (New research from the Department of Physical Therapy at Azusa Pacific University proves it!)
  • Can I really gain muscle with zero equipment? The Answer is YES! Inside you’ll discover the powerful isometrics routine used by 1920’s bodybuilder and magazine cover model Charles Atlas for supercharged muscle growth and strength gains … I’ll give you his exact workout on pages 43-45
  • What to never do when performing isometrics, and why. (If you get this wrong, you’ll see little results if any at all). Page 23
  • How isometrics training awakens MORE muscle fibers for greater strength gains compared to any “moving exercise”...I’ll reveal the exact study (and more) published in the Journal of Applied Physiology on pages 7-10
  • Why Super Isometrics is one of the deadliest weapons used by UFC fighters and how you can use these same training methods to build functional, yet lethal power WITHOUT stepping foot in the cage… WARNING: These tactics are so effective I only share them with “ethical men” who’ll keep this method in their back pocket to only to be used in a self-defense situation…
  • Ever wonder how Olympic Gymnasts get eye-popping arms, wide shoulders, and a bulging v-tapered back ? Look no further than the techniques used inside the Isometrics Fit routine that’ll make you pound for pound the strongest person at your gym … with the physique of the one of the most admired athletes on the planet.
  • 8 Weeks of done-for-you workouts you can follow from home to supercharge your muscle building and strength potential. Mark my words … after the first few workouts you’ll look in the mirror with a noticeably leaner and tighter physique... while feeling stronger than you have in the last 15 years...
  • Why men and women as young as 20 and as old as 85 can use these exact methods to boost strength and stamina regardless of your current age or physical shape
  • Why popular fitness websites have called the methods in Isometrics Fit “a potentially more effective means of developing overall strength, power, and body control than traditional weight-based movements”... and how you can unlock this super-power in seconds . Found on page 12…
  • How to get an athletic and fit looking body with less movement... the secret core training tricks used by martial artists for head-turning abs… a simple nutrition protocol to maximize your Isometrics Fit results … and so much more !
Yet that’s not all. I really want to sweeten the pot and make this a no brainer. Virtually guaranteeing your success over the next coming weeks and beyond…

Isometrics Fit Quick Start Guide

Getting started with any fitness program can be intimidating…

Especially trying brand-new, powerful techniques that will take your body and strength to the next level

And because I want you to get started quickly and easily in minutes, I’ve included the Isometrics Fit Quick Start Guide...

Which shows you exactly how to navigate through the program and begin using these fast-acting muscle and strength building techniques from your very next workout…

You’ll see just how easy it is to get started. No overwhelm. No confusion. Just a paint-by-numbers simple guide to have you experiencing RESULTS moments from now.

Isometrics Fit Instructional Video Library

With the Isometrics Fit Instructional Library I’ll show you exactly how to perform every single movement in the program…

Not only will this accelerate your muscle and strength gains

But will ensure you’re performing each movement safely and with confidence that you’re getting the most out of every single set and rep…

It’ll feel like I’m right there in the living room with you , coaching you through each exercise and giving you a few “secret tips” along the way to set your results into overdrive…

Isometrics Fit Workout Guide

8 weeks of done for you body sculpting routines to help you get lean and muscular WITHOUT any guess work…

Simply follow the Isometrics Fit Workout Guide and notice your body change in the coming days and weeks. You’ll also see your muscles becoming stronger and harder without any nagging joint pain or having to lift dangerous, back-breaking heavy weights or run on the treadmill…

This 8-week blueprint will be your guide to a head-turning body .

And because I know you’ll love the results from the program, I’ve also included a progression model you can follow after the 8-weeks so you can continue getting your best body using these powerful workouts…

Bonus #1: Iso Fit Done-For-You Meal Plans

Because I want you to get the most out of the Isometrics Fit program, I’ve also included a done-for-you meal plan to fuel your workouts, accelerate recovery , and help you get lean and muscular FASTER that you thought possible…

I’ve laid out every single meal in an easy-to-follow format to give you the easiest and shortest path to success

​​​​ Warning: If you’re someone who enjoys tiny meals, green salads at every sitting, and insane amounts of protein, this is NOT the meal plan for you.

No worries, you can still enjoy the benefits of the Isometrics Fit program regardless of your nutrition preference… this is simply a proven tool to accelerate your RESULTS .

Bonus #2: Iso Fit Supplement Guide

Do you need supplements to get the results you crave? Absolutely not. However…

You can use supplements as a tool to speed up your progress and burn more fat and gain more strength in less time…

For that reason I’ve included a complete no-nonsense supplement guide with the Isometrics Fit program.

I’ll admit. It’s only one page long...

Yet it won’t waste your time with bogus supplements that don’t actually work. Even if you don’t use these supplements now… you’ll at least have a resource you can reference back to, to discern the “ real deal ” supplements from the “B.S.”
Like I said, I want this to be a no-brainer for you. A complete done-for-you muscle and strength building program that helps you shape a lean and ripped body regardless of your age or genetics…

I know how life changing this entire system is… and how it gives you freedom to sculpt the body of your dreams…. Without injury... so you can enjoy new levels of fitness for years to come.

Now, initially I was planning on selling the entire program for $97. After all, I’ve included everything you need to take your results to new heights.

However, my mission isn’t money…

My mission is helping busy, discouraged, and frustrated people, just like I was, reach the body you crave regardless of your age or how busy you are…

WITHOUT getting burnt out, slaving away at the gym, or suffering from painful injuries…

Because at the end of the day great levels of fitness is not just about how great you’ll look after following this program… but how invincible and confident you’ll feel…

Now, eventually I plan on raising the price of Isometrics Fit to the original value of $97… However, because I’m releasing this to the public for the first time, I’m seeking out 100 personal testimonials and transformation pictures for my BIG launch of the program later this year…

And I want YOU on my “ fitness wall of fame”. Ripped, toned, and brimming with confidence. Most of all - you’ll achieve your perfect body WITHOUT following the status quo workouts that keep you in the gym too long, crush your joints, or have you feel like you’re spinning your wheels…

You’ve proven you’re serious about building a strong and muscular physique just by reading this far down the page so I trust you’ll set aside 30 minutes a day, a few times per week and follow this plan to the “T”. For that reason, I’m going to practically give away this program for just $37 .
Regular Price:
One-Time Payment:
And you know what? I’m so confident you’ll see Incredible Results that I’ll put ALL the risk on me...
Get Lean, Strong, And Feel More
Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back
Super Isometrics is the “ missing link ” for men and women who want to build more lean muscle and strength WITHOUT crushing your joints or spending hours overtraining in the gym.

Seriously, the simple Isometric methods you’ll discover inside will help you unlock a brand new body FASTER than you imagined possible…

Research shows short workouts, combined with super isometrics will turbocharge your fitness levels while helping you gain more muscle and strength WITHOUT having to inflame your joints on pointless sets and reps that only wreak havoc on your body…

Because at the end of the day… the person with the least amount of injuries and setbacks can sculpt the lean and muscular body they deserve. Period.

And if you’re still here reading, I’m willing to bet you’re sick and tired of having an “ average ” body or feeling like a “weakling,” right? Or maybe you just want to UP your game…

That’s why I’m going to give you my Iron Clad 100% Money Back 60-Day Guarantee . I understand you’re busy so I wanted to give you a full 60 days to get started. It’s easy to do and only takes a few results-proven workouts per week as long as you follow the simple program inside.

If you do, you will experience results and notice improvements in your physique right away. Give it a couple of weeks and your body will feel stronger and you’ll look all-around more muscular and toned when you look in the mirror.
Think about it. After just the first few days you’ll start to see a difference and others will too…You’ll begin to notice more lean and toned muscle and strength…

The muscles in your chest, arms, shoulders and legs will become more chiseled… and because you’ll no longer struggle with daily aches and pains... or burn-out your body with heavy lifting or long workouts... you’ll continue packing on muscle safely and for decades to come ... that’s how powerful this program truly is…

You’re so close to turning your physique around for the better and putting your frustrations in the past… So here’s the truth…
Option 1:
Go about doing your traditional workouts. Hoping you’ll build some muscle, maybe lose some fat (if that’s your goal) and get “in shape”. Even though deep down, you know the progress you're making is extremely slow. Plus, you can feel your joints becoming more brittle and inflamed every rep and set you perform... and every mile you run.

You can keep lying to yourself, hoping one day you’ll finally have a muscular and fit body. But I’m here to tell you the effects of traditional weight lifting workouts and cardio sessions are only slowing your progress and setting you up for a lifetime of injuries…

I’m not making this stuff up. It’s pure fact. Sorry, I hate to say it, but it’s true.

Listen. If you want to take your precious time building a strong and ripped body… and reach your “perfect physique” one year, five years, maybe even ten years from now... maybe never... I won’t stop you. Yet let’s be honest with each other. If you could accelerate your results and get the rock-hard body you crave in months instead of years…

And do it all WITHOUT lifting heavy weight... and WITHOUT wasting hours of your week messing around in the gym… would you do it? Most people will…

However, some people are “okay” with average results… and risking your dream physique doing things their own way... If that’s you… there’s nothing wrong with that.

Like I said, you may get lucky one day and see some progress. It may take longer. You may sabotage your joints in the process. Yet if you're willing to take the risk and gamble your life away... I won't stop you.

However, for the men and women who’d rather enjoy a more muscular and lean physique… and experience all of the “side-effects” that come with looking like a fitness model like more confidence, tons of energy, and loving the way you feel in your clothes… there’s a better option.
Option 2:
For less than a few lotto tickets, or a pint size bottle of whey protein, you can have access to a simple, revolutionary program that takes the mystique out of shaping a lean and strong physique … and you’ll do so from your very own living room. No weights. No cardio. No pointless reps and sets… which will save you time and effort.

Plus, you’ll notice a nice boost in all day energy and less aches and pains throughout the day...

Just imagine a few weeks from now when you look in the mirror only to notice the muscles in your chest, arms, and legs razor sharp….

The fat surrounding your belly starts to deflate and the chunkiness around your lower-back gets tighter each day. You’ll finally have the boldness to go shirtless at pool parties or wear a bikini at the beach, proudly showing-off your lean and tight body.

This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on. To feel invincible again, full of energy, strong and fit ... To know you have a lean and muscular body you can be proud of... and it can all begin today. Don’t settle for less any longer.
Regular Price:
One-Time Payment:
Here is to transforming your body

Alby Gonzalez
Alby Gonzalez
Author, Isometrics Mass

Certified Personal Trainer

Owner, Isometrics Mass
P.S. If you want to finally reach the body of your dreams... and doing it using this 15 second lost exercise... what’s stopping you? You’re here for a reason. You want more out of your body. It’s time to make that a reality for you for less than the cost of a greasy fast food meal. You can click or tap here now to get started .
P.P.S. And don’t forget… you’re backed up by my Iron Clad, 100% money back 60-day guarantee . You truly have nothing to lose. Don’t wait any longer. I’d hate for you to leave and never come back. Only to fast forward a month, a year, or even 5 years from now and look back with regrets. Also remember, the pre-sale release discount is only available for the first 100 people who download the program today. I wouldn’t want you to miss out.
What Is Isometrics Fit?
Answer: Isometrics Fit is 3-week fat loss program developed from scientific research proven to increase fat loss and build muscle primarily through boosting testosterone levels. As a result, this challenge will optimize your anabolic hormones and cause increases in muscle growth and fat loss while also improving the many other nuanced benefits of increased testosterone levels such as more confidence, better sex, higher amounts of energy, sharper focus, healthier brain function, and decisiveness.
Who Do You Recommend This Program To?
Answer: I recommend this program to every male from 20-60 years old, whether they're new to fat loss strategies or have tried every fat loss strategy under the sun. The Isometrics Fit was created for men who want to look their best, feel their best, and become their best in every sphere of life. Through this program, you'll notice incredible benefits that extend past your physique into everyday performance.
Who Is Isometrics Fit Not For?
Answer: Well, I'd like to say that this program is for every man on the planet. And biologically and physiologically speaking, it is, because I've developed it to emphasize testosterone levels – the lifeblood of masculinity. However, if you're the kind of guy who is satisfied with hanging onto belly fat and man boobs, getting little to no sexual attention from women (even your wife), is content working a job where you can slide into the background of complacency and doesn't want to enjoy all that life has to offer as the best man you can be, then this program isn't for you. Most guys with low confidence and low testosterone don't know how to pull the trigger on great opportunities when they see them. I hope this isn't the case for you.
Is This Just Another Training Program I Could Clip Out Of A Magazine?
Answer: No. Although Isometrics Fit is simple, structured, easy to follow and promises BIG results when followed properly, it isn't a "run of the mill" program that promises a "one size fits all" result. I've created it with close scientific research, experience, and testimonials, all with an emphasis on men who want to burn fat, build muscle, and improve their testosterone levels.
How Long Before I Notice Results?
Answer: Like I mentioned above, if you follow the program closely, you'll notice results that impact your training and everyday life within the first week.
What If Isometrics Fit Doesn't Work For Me?
Answer: If you don't notice a difference, just send me an email and I'll be more than happy to issue a refund, no questions asked.
How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program?
Answer: About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you'll get instant access to the entire Isometrics Fit program. You can download it to your computer and get started right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail, so you don't have to wait through any long fulfilment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!
Is My Credit Card And Personal Information Safe? 
Answer: Absolutely. When you click the "buy now" button you'll be taken to ClickBank's 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Can I Use Paypal To Checkout? 
Answer: Yes. You can securely purchase Isometrics Fit using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I Be Billed More Than Once?
Answer: No. Isometrics Fit is a one-time secure payment and you'll be an owner of the program forever.

Answer: Isometrics Fit is 3-week fat loss program developed from scientific research proven to increase fat loss and build muscle primarily through boosting testosterone levels. As a result, this challenge will optimize your anabolic hormones and cause increases in muscle growth and fat loss while also improving the many other nuanced benefits of increased testosterone levels such as more confidence, better sex, higher amounts of energy, sharper focus, healthier brain function, and decisiveness.

Answer: I recommend this program to every male from 20-60 years old, whether they're new to fat loss strategies or have tried every fat loss strategy under the sun. The Isometrics Fit was created for men who want to look their best, feel their best, and become their best in every sphere of life. Through this program, you'll notice incredible benefits that extend past your physique into everyday performance.

Answer: Well, I'd like to say that this program is for every man on the planet. And biologically and physiologically speaking, it is, because I've developed it to emphasize testosterone levels – the lifeblood of masculinity. However, if you're the kind of guy who is satisfied with hanging onto belly fat and man boobs, getting little to no sexual attention from women (even your wife), is content working a job where you can slide into the background of complacency and doesn't want to enjoy all that life has to offer as the best man you can be, then this program isn't for you. Most guys with low confidence and low testosterone don't know how to pull the trigger on great opportunities when they see them. I hope this isn't the case for you.

Answer: No. Although Isometrics Fit is simple, structured, easy to follow and promises BIG results when followed properly, it isn't a "run of the mill" program that promises a "one size fits all" result. I've created it with close scientific research, experience, and testimonials, all with an emphasis on men who want to burn fat, build muscle, and improve their testosterone levels.

Answer: Like I mentioned above, if you follow the program closely, you'll notice results that impact your training and everyday life within the first week.

Answer: If you don't notice a difference, just send me an email and I'll be more than happy to issue a refund, no questions asked.

Answer: About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you'll get instant access to the entire Isometrics Fit program. You can download it to your computer and get started right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail, so you don't have to wait through any long fulfilment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!

Answer: Absolutely. When you click the "buy now" button you'll be taken to ClickBank's 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

Answer: Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank's stern approval process ensures only high-quality products and valid information are given to all customers.

Answer: Yes. You can securely purchase Isometrics Fit using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.

Answer: No. Isometrics Fit is a one-time secure payment and you'll be an owner of the program forever.

  • “National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS).”, 8 Sept. 2017,
  • “November 2017.” Discover Magazine,
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